Passive House Designers/Consultants certified by the Passivhaus Institut is a professional trained to design buildings that meet the energy efficiency and comfort criteria of the Passive House standard. They have the knowledge to design buildings with minimal energy requirements for heating and cooling, including high performance insulation, airtight construction and heat recovery ventilation, while maintaining optimal indoor air quality and comfort.
Check if you qualify for the Passive House Consultant or Designer title in the FAQ.
The Passive House Institute fixes the examination dates and prepares the exam: It lasts 3 hours and must be taken at an accredited exam provider. The exam is conducted online as in-class or home-office exam by the course/exam provider, using the online exam platform of the Passive House Institute.
The exam is based on the following learning targets and includes multiple choice questions, construction details drawings, calculations, as well as a Passive House design exercise. Increase your chance of success by taking a dedicated course and checking our additional tips. Please note that a valid PHPP license is needed to register for the exam, as a PHPP is required to design Passive House buildings.
Here you can register online for the exam! All you need is a user account for the Passive House database and to follow these steps:
Then please fill in your details on this page to register for the exam. We wish you every success with your exam!
Then you must first visit the following page.
After you have filled out this page, you will receive an email with a link. Please click on this link to activate your account.
You can then use this page to register for the exam, or alternatively select the Certificate tab in your user area and click on Register for next designer exam.
Good luck with your exam!
Document a certified Passive House, an EnerPHit retrofit or a PHI low energy building for which you were responsible for the project planning including the energy balance and preferably also created the PHPP yourself. By submitting project documentation, the certificate can be earned or renewed for one person per building.
The documented building must fulfil these conditions:
The project documentation can be submitted to any Passive House Institute accredited assessing body for a certain fee. It can be sent in any language they are offering, but must include a summary in English. Successful project documentations will be published on this website.
The following information is required:
The renewal through project documentation is subject to a fee (see Fee Schedule).
You don't need to work in a planning office to help to disseminate and implement the Passive House Standard - researchers, instructors, or decision makers in government authorities also greatly contribute to improving the building industry. So if you can't renew your certificate through project documentation, you may renew it through further training credit points (CP).
Get credit points by participating in relevant Passive House continuing education events or teaching activities!
As soon as you have collected 100 credit point, you can renew your certificate, even if it has already expired.
You need to submit Appendix II b (Application - renewal through credit points) to the PH Institute:
*Can’t find a specific course or event? Then please contact the hosts. They may submit their courses/events (also backdated) to the Passive House Institute to be recognized as suitable for certificate renewal.
The renewal through credit points is subject to a fee (see Fee Schedule).
The Passive House Institute will check these documents for a certain fee and after successful renewal of the certificate, send the certificate in digital form via e-mail. In addition, the contact data of the certified designer/consultant will remain on this website if desired.