What is a Pass­ive House De­sign­er/Con­sult­ant?

Pass­ive House De­sign­ers/Con­sult­ants cer­ti­fied by the Passivhaus In­sti­tut is a pro­fes­sion­al trained to design build­ings that meet the en­ergy ef­fi­ciency and com­fort cri­ter­ia of the Pass­ive House stand­ard. They have the know­ledge to design build­ings with min­im­al en­ergy re­quire­ments for heat­ing and cool­ing, in­clud­ing high per­form­ance in­su­la­tion, air­tight con­struc­tion and heat re­cov­ery vent­il­a­tion, while main­tain­ing op­tim­al in­door air qual­ity and com­fort.


Be­come a cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House De­sign­er / Con­sult­ant

Certified Passive House Designer certificate

How to earn the cer­ti­fic­ate

How to re­new the cer­ti­fic­ate


Check if you qual­i­fy for the Pass­ive House Con­sult­ant or De­sign­er title in the FAQ.



Pass the Passive House Designer / Consultant exam

The Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te fixes the ex­am­in­a­tion dates and pre­pares the ex­am: It lasts 3 hours and must be taken at an ac­cred­ited ex­am pro­vider. The ex­am is con­duc­ted on­line as in-class or home-of­fice ex­am by the course/ex­am pro­vider, us­ing the on­line ex­am plat­form of the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te.

The ex­am is based on the fol­low­ing learn­ing tar­gets and in­cludes mul­tiple choice ques­tions, con­struc­tion de­tails draw­ings, cal­cu­la­tions, as well as a Pass­ive House design ex­er­cise. In­crease your chance of suc­cess by tak­ing a ded­ic­ated course and check­ing our additional tips. Please note that a val­id PHPP li­cense is needed to re­gister for the ex­am, as a PHPP is re­quired to design Pass­ive House build­ings.




> Register for the exam!

Here you can re­gister on­line for the ex­am! All you need is a user ac­count for the Pass­ive House data­base and to fol­low these steps:

I already have a user account and can directly register for the exam!

Then please fill in your details on this page to register for the exam. We wish you every success with your exam!

I first need to create a user account!

Then you must first visit the following page.

After you have filled out this page, you will receive an email with a link. Please click on this link to activate your account.

You can then use this page to register for the exam, or alternatively select the Certificate tab in your user area and click on Register for next designer exam.

Good luck with your exam!

Passive House Designer / Consultant Exam

Moodle Shut­down

Winter 2024/2024
The Moodle shut­down will be from 16 Decem­ber 2024 un­til 19 Janu­ary 2025
Sum­mer 2025
The Moodle shut­down will be from 07 Ju­ly 2025 un­til 15 Au­gust 2025
No on­line ex­ams can be sched­uled dur­ing this time.


Design and document a certified Passive House

Doc­u­ment a cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House, an En­erPHit ret­ro­fit or a PHI low en­ergy build­ing for which you were re­spons­ible for the pro­ject plan­ning in­clud­ing the en­ergy bal­ance and prefer­ably also cre­ated the PHPP your­self. By sub­mit­ting pro­ject doc­u­ment­a­tion, the cer­ti­fic­ate can be earned or re­newed for one per­son per build­ing.


Passive House Designer Consultant Project Documentation

The doc­u­men­ted build­ing must ful­fil these con­di­tions:

  • It has been com­pleted and is be­ing used.
  • The build­ing is a Cer­ti­fied: Pass­ive House, En­erPHit ret­ro­fit, PHI Low En­ergy Build­ing or pre-cer­ti­fied for staged ret­ro­fit.
    It must have been cer­ti­fied by an ac­cred­ited build­ing cer­ti­fi­er, ac­cord­ing to the cri­ter­ia de­ve­loped by the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te.
  • The build­ing is lis­ted in the Pass­ive House data­base

The pro­ject doc­u­ment­a­tion can be sub­mit­ted to any Passive House Institute ac­cred­ited as­sess­ing body for a cer­tain fee. It can be sent in any lan­guage they are of­fer­ing, but must in­clude a sum­mary in Eng­lish. Successful project documentations will be published on this website.



Check the required documents!

The fol­low­ing in­form­a­tion is re­quired:

  • Ap­plic­a­tion through pro­ject doc­u­ment­a­tion (Ap­pendix IIa).
  • A de­tailed build­ing de­scrip­tion (PDF & Word format). Please check ap­pendix III and use one of these tem­plates (pptx) or (docx). Please check with your assessing body which format is preferred for the project documentation. 
  • The PHPP cal­cu­la­tion used for the cer­ti­fic­a­tion, in di­git­al form (un­pro­tec­ted Ex­cel file).
  •  A copy of the build­ing cer­ti­fic­ate, stat­ing the ac­cred­ited build­ing cer­ti­fi­er.
  • The ID num­ber un­der which the build­ing is lis­ted on the Pass­ive House data­base
  • If the ap­plic­ant is not the de­sign­er of the build­ing, a writ­ten ex­plan­a­tion stat­ing that they was re­spons­ible for the Pass­ive House rel­ev­ant plan­ning parts should be sent by the de­sign­er.
  • To get the Pass­ive House De­sign­er title, please send a copy of your edu­ca­tion­al qual­i­fic­a­tions

The re­new­al through pro­ject doc­u­ment­a­tion is sub­ject to a fee (see Fee Sched­ule).



Earn further credit points to renew the certificate

You don't need to work in a plan­ning of­fice to help to dis­sem­in­ate and im­ple­ment the Pass­ive House Stand­ard - re­search­ers, in­struct­ors, or de­cision makers in gov­ern­ment au­thor­it­ies also greatly con­trib­ute to im­prov­ing the build­ing in­dustry. So if you can't re­new your cer­ti­fic­ate through pro­ject doc­u­ment­a­tion, you may re­new it through fur­ther train­ing cred­it points (CP).


Passive House Designer Consultant Credit Points

Get cred­it points by par­ti­cip­at­ing in rel­ev­ant Pass­ive House con­tinu­ing edu­ca­tion events or teach­ing act­iv­it­ies!

As soon as you have col­lec­ted 100 cred­it point, you can re­new your cer­ti­fic­ate, even if it has already ex­pired.





Check the required documents!

You need to sub­mit Ap­pendix II b (Ap­plic­a­tion - re­new­al through cred­it points) to the PH In­sti­tu­te:

  • If you attended an event or advanced training: Please fill in the re­spect­ive event ID num­ber* which can be found on the list of ap­proved courses/events. One learn­ing unit (45 minutes) equates to 1 CP. Don't forget to attach the respective confirmations of participation.
  • If you gave a course: Please first fill in this formular.

*Can’t find a spe­cif­ic course or event? Then please con­tact the hosts. They may sub­mit their courses/events (also back­dated) to the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te to be re­cog­nized as suit­able for cer­ti­fic­ate re­new­al.

The re­new­al through cred­it points is sub­ject to a fee (see Fee Sched­ule).


The Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te will check these doc­u­ments for a cer­tain fee and after suc­cess­ful re­new­al of the cer­ti­fic­ate, send the cer­ti­fic­ate in di­git­al form via e-mail. In ad­di­tion, the con­tact data of the cer­ti­fied de­sign­er/con­sult­ant will re­main on this web­site if de­sired.