Be­come a Site Su­per­vi­sor

Pass­ive House Site Su­per­vi­sor course

You already know what is im­port­ant when build­ing Pass­ive Houses, have worked on Pass­ive House con­struc­tion sites your­self and/or at­ten­ded a Pass­ive House trades­per­son course?
If so, now is the time to ac­quire in-depth know­ledge and ex­pand on your skills for co­or­din­at­ing and suc­cess­fully ex­ecut­ing com­plex and large res­id­en­tial and non-res­id­en­tial Pass­ive House / En­erPHit pro­jects on-site.
Tak­ing this course will best pre­pare you best for the Site Su­per­vi­sor ex­am - the pre­re­quis­ite for the ad­di­tion­al seal "Site Su­per­vi­sor". The Site Su­per­vi­sor course is de­signed as an ad­di­tion­al cer­ti­fic­a­tion for cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House Trades­per­sons, but is also one mod­ule of the Con­struc­tion Veri­fi­er course, de­ve­loped as an add-on cer­ti­fic­a­tion for cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House De­sign­ers.



This ad­di­tion­al seal can only be used in con­junc­tion with a val­id Pass­ive House Trades­per­son cer­ti­fic­ate.

Ad­di­tion­al seals do not have to be re­newed them­selves. They are auto­mat­ic­ally re­newed by the re­new­al of the main cer­ti­fic­ate (here the Pass­ive House Trades­per­son cer­ti­fic­ate).

Mod­ule „Site Su­per­vi­sor“

In large and com­plex pro­jects, con­struc­tion man­agers, su­per­in­tend­ents and oth­er con­struc­tion prac­ti­tion­ers face many chal­lenges, es­pe­cially with re­gard to en­ergy ef­fi­ciency as­pects.




At­tend the Site Su­per­vi­sor course to ex­pand on the skills and know­ledge that are es­sen­tial to suc­cess­fully ex­ecut­ing com­plex and large Pass­ive House and En­erPHit build­ing design on-site.
Look for­ward to nu­mer­ous ex­amples and prac­tic­al in­form­a­tion from Pass­ive House and En­erPHit build­ing sites re­gard­ing con­struc­tion man­age­ment, opaque and trans­par­ent build­ing ele­ments, air­tight­ness and mech­an­ic­al ser­vices and learn to as­sess the im­pact of your de­cisions on the con­struc­tion site on the en­ergy bal­ance of the build­ing.