Pass­ive House Tools work­shops

You are already well ac­quain­ted with Pass­ive House build­ings, e.g. through par­ti­cip­a­tion in a Pass­ive House de­sign­er course, and now want to deep­en your know­ledge? - Here you will gain ad­vanced know­ledge of PHPP, design­PH, bim2PH and thermal bridges to op­tim­ise even chal­len­ging and com­plex pro­jects!

Tak­ing all the courses lis­ted be­low will best pre­pare you for the PHPP ex­pert ex­am - the pre­re­quis­ite for the ad­di­tion­al seal "PHPP ex­pert".



En­ergy bal­an­cing with PHPP

The Pass­ive House Plan­ning Pack­age (PHPP) is the en­ergy bal­an­cing tool for Pass­ive House build­ings and ef­fi­cient ret­ro­fits world­wide.

PHPP course

Take a PHPP ba­sics work­shop to learn how to fill the PHPP and op­tim­ise the pro­ject design simply and re­li­ably.

En­ter­ more com­plex non-res­id­en­tial build­ings in a PHPP ad­vanced work­shop. Ev­al­u­at­e ef­fi­ciency op­tions with the vari­ant cal­cu­la­tions and learn how to pre-cer­ti­fy­ step-by-step ret­ro­fits!

Courses worldwide Courses at PH Institute


Quick ana­lys­is with design­PH

The design­PH plu­gin for the 3D mod­el­ing soft­ware Sketch­Up sim­pli­fies geo­metry in­put in the PHPP and  speeds up design op­tim­iz­a­tion.

designPH course

Enter the thermal en­vel­ope and shad­ing ele­ments of a pro­ject in 3D dur­ing a design­PH work­shop. Dis­cov­er how to get a pre­lim­in­ary en­ergy bal­ance and op­tim­ise the build­ing be­fore ex­port­ing its geo­metry and com­pon­ents to the PHPP.

Courses worldwide Courses at PH Institute


Thermal bridges cal­cu­la­tion

Thermal bridges need to be as­sessed and cal­cu­lated sep­ar­ately with 2D or 3D thermal bridges sim­u­la­tion soft­ware, be­fore their val­ues are entered in the PHPP.

Thermal bridges Passive House

Ac­quire in-depth know­ledge on the sub­ject of thermal bridges - in­dis­pens­able for the en­ergy-ef­fi­cient plan­ning of com­plex build­ings. In a thermal bridges work­shop you will also learn how to cal­cu­late these weak points, for in­stance us­ing the free THERM pro­gram.

Courses worldwide Courses at PH Institute