Join an in­ter­na­tion­al course at the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te!




Passive House De­sign­er / Con­sult­ant Course


Learn first-hand from ex­perts at the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te, how to design en­ergy-ef­fi­cient & cost-op­tim­al build­ings world­wide! All you need is a good level of Eng­lish (B2 or equi­val­ent), ba­sic know­ledge of Build­ing Phys­ics, as well as the abil­ity to use Mi­crosoft® Ex­cel. (Course De­s­crip­tion)

This course con­sists of a 3-day e-learn­ing mod­ule on the PHI Moodle plat­form and 15 half­days of live on­line train­ing.

> Next dates: will be announced soon

Pre­par­at­ory e-learn­ing

Mo­dule 1 - Build­ing En­vel­ope:

Mo­dule 2 - Build­ing Ser­vice, Ret­ro­fit, Eco­nom­ics:

Mo­dule 3 - PHPP Ba­sics:

Re­vis­ion Ses­sion:

On­line Tech­nic­al Check:

On­line Ex­am Pass­ive House de­sign­er/con­sult­ant:

This course will pre­pare you to pass the Cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House De­sign­er / Con­sult­ant ex­am. The ex­am it­self however is not in­cluded in the course and needs to be booked sep­aretly.

Course times 12:00 to 16:30 CEST

> Course price schedule

Re­gister and pay be­fore 15. Au­gust to get 15% early bird dis­count! iPHA mem­bers get 10% dis­count and stu­dents get 50% dis­count. The dis­counts can­not be com­bined. The highest pos­sible dis­count will be gran­ted.

Full package (incl. 19% VAT)
  Early bird IPHA-member Student Standard
 Full course (incl. e-learning, Revision Session and PHPP license) 2210,00 € 2340,00 € 1300,00€ 2600,00€
 Certification exam 425,00 € 450,00 € 250,00 € 500,00 €
Register here!

Tools work­shops (PHPP expert course) online

Get the latest up­dates and in­sider tricks!

(Course de­scrip­tion)

Next on­line course:

Mod­ule 4: to be an­nounced
Mod­ule 5: to be an­nounced
Mod­ule 6: to be an­nounced

Course times: 12pm to 4:30pm CET. Please check the times in your time zone.

Next ex­am:

On­line tech­nic­al check PHPP Ex­pert: to be an­nounced
On­line ex­am PHPP Ex­pert: to be an­nounced

Please be aware that a lot of prac­tice is the best pre­par­a­tion for the ex­am. To be ad­mit­ted to the PHPP Ex­pert ex­am­in­a­tion, a suc­cess­ful home­work as­sign­ment is re­quired. The ex­am­in­a­tion fee is also due if the home­work is not as­sessed pos­it­ively and one is not ad­mit­ted to the ex­am­in­a­tion. If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact de­sign­


PHPP Expert. Full course (incl. 19% VAT)
  Student IPHA member Early bird Standard fee
PHPP Expert. Full course. Module 4-6 495 € 891 € 842 € 990 €
PHPP Expert exam 250 € 450 € 425 € 500 €
Workshop modules (incl. 19% VAT)
  Student IPHA member Early bird Standard fee
3D Data Models 180 € 324 € 306 € 360 €
PHPP Advanced 180 € 324 € 306 € 360 €
Thermal Bridges 180 € 324 € 306 € 360 €
PHPP Expert exam 250 € 450 € 425 € 500 €

Re­gister now!




Site Supervisor / Construction Verifier Course

Im­prove your com­pet­en­ces on Pass­ive House con­struc­tion sites - com­mis­sion­ing of en­ergy ef­fi­cient build­ings - cer­ti­fic­a­tion pro­cess of Pass­ive House / En­erPHit pro­jects.

This ad­di­tion­al cer­ti­fic­ate can only be used in con­junc­tion with a val­id Pass­ive House Trades­per­son/De­sign­er/Con­sult­ant cer­ti­fic­ate.

Ad­di­tion­al cer­ti­fic­ates do not have to be re­newed them­selves. They are auto­mat­ic­ally re­newed by the re­new­al of the main cer­ti­fic­ate.


Site supervisor
Commissioning / Certification

In large and complex construction projects, practitioners and coordinators face many challenges, especially with regard to energy efficiency aspects.

Take a Site Su­per­vi­sor course to get skills and know­ledge that are es­sen­tial to suc­cess­fully ex­ecut­ing com­plex and large Pass­ive House and En­erPHit build­ing design on-site.

Look for­ward to nu­mer­ous ex­amples and prac­tic­al in­form­a­tion about con­struc­tion man­age­ment, opaque and trans­par­ent build­ing ele­ments, air­tight­ness and mech­an­ic­al ser­vices and learn to as­sess the im­pact of your de­cisions on the con­struc­tion site on the en­ergy bal­ance of the build­ing.

Module “Commissioning”

Does the Passive House live up to its promise? Does the building really function as energy-efficiently in reality as planned? For this topic, the commissioning of the building is of the greatest importance - apart from the construction.

Take this course and get as­sist­ance for plan­ning and ex­ecut­ing the com­mis­sion­ing for MVHR, heat­ing and cool­ing sys­tems or shad­ing. Learn about mon­it­or­ing, data ac­quis­i­tion, meas­ur­ing un­cer­tain­ties and soft­ware tools for per­form­ance evalu­ation and op­tim­isa­tion.

Module “Navigating certification”

Afraid of high workload for Passive House certifications? No worries – just take this course to profit efficiently from the advantages of a Passive House / EnerPHit certification.

Become familiar with the certification process and criteria. Explore the consultancy service and the clear and helpful certification platform, get an overview about all documents you need. This will enable you to offer your client the benefits of Passive House / EnerPHit certification - effectively and cost-efficiently.

This course will prepare you to pass the additional Site Supervisor exam or the Construction Verifier exam. The exam itself however is not included in the course. It will be offered online.

On successfully passing the Site Supervisor exam, you will receive the additional certificate "Site Supervisor" - if you have a valid Passive House tradesperson certificate.

After successfully passing the Construction Verifier exam, you will receive the additional certificate "Construction Verifier" -  if you have a valid Passive House designer/consultant certificate.

Mo­dule - Nav­ig­at­ing Pass­ive House Cer­ti­fic­a­tion:  to be an­nounced

Mo­dule - Site Su­per­vi­sor:  to be an­nounced

Mo­dule - Com­mis­sion­ing:    to be an­nounced


(Mod­ule Site Su­per­vi­sor pre­pares for the ex­am to be­come a Site Su­per­vi­sor,

All three mod­ules to­geth­er pre­pare for the ex­am to be­come a Con­struc­tion Veri­fi­er)


Course times: 10.00 am - 2.25 pm CEST

Tech­nic­al Check: to be an­nounced

Ex­am: to be an­nounced

Cred­it Points: up to 40 CPs

> Course price schedule

There is a 15% early bird dis­count! iPHA mem­bers get 10% dis­count while stu­dents get 50% dis­count. The dis­counts can­not be com­bined. The highest pos­sible dis­count will be gran­ted.

Construction Verifier. Full course (incl. 19% VAT)
  Student IPHA member Early bird Standard fee
Construction Verifier. Full course. Module 1-3 475€ 855€ 807€ 950€
Construction Verifier exam 250€ 450€ 425€ 500€
Site Supervisor and single modules (incl. 19% VAT)
  Student IPHA member Early bird Standard fee
Site Supervisor 350€ 630€ 595€ 700€
Commissioning 175€ 315€ 298€ 350€
Navigation Certification 175€ 315€ 298€ 350€
Site Supervisor exam 250€ 450€ 425€ 500€
Construction Verifier exam 250€ 450€ 425€ 500€



In-house train­ing

If you are in­ter­es­ted in a cus­tom­ised in-house train­ing, please feel free to con­tact

                                                                                                                                                            Contact us!