You already know what is important when building Passive Houses, have worked on Passive House construction sites yourself and/or attended a Passive House Tradesperson course?
If so, now is the time to acquire in-depth knowledge and expand on your skills for coordinating and successfully executing complex and large residential and non-residential Passive House / EnerPHit projects on-site.
Taking this course will prepare you best for the Site Supervisor exam - the prerequisite for the additional certificate "Site Supervisor". The Site Supervisor course is designed as an additional certification for certified Passive House Tradespersons, but is also one module of the Construction Verifier course, developed as an add-on certification for certified Passive House Designers.
For more detailed information, please have a look at these learning targets.
In large and complex projects, construction managers and practitioners face many challenges, especially with regard to energy efficiency aspects.
Attend the Site Supervisor course to expand on the skills and knowledge that are essential to successfully executing complex and large Passive House and EnerPHit building design on-site.
Look forward to numerous examples and practical information from Passive House and EnerPHit building sites regarding construction management, opaque and transparent building elements, airtightness and mechanical services and learn to assess the impact of your decisions on the construction site on the energy balance of the building.
Courses worldwide Courses at PH Institute