Be­come an ac­cred­ited Pass­ive House Course/ex­am Pro­vider

Many thanks for your in­terest in spread­ing the know­ledge about Pass­ive Houses! To be­come a course / ex­am pro­vider and be al­lowed to use the course ma­ter­i­al de­ve­loped by the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te, please fol­low the pro­ced­ure be­low. For more in­form­a­tion, click on each box!


Show your skills!
Sign contract(s)
Train the trainer

Fill in and sign the application for accreditation as an examination provider and then send it to us by post or e-mail. We will need the signature of every instructor of the course.

Once we have received the completed application, we will decide whether an applying institution is fit to become a course / exam provider.

If the application is accepted, we will send you the corresponding contracts. There is one contract to become a course / exam provider and one for the right to use the course material (see below).

Train-the-Trainer workshops are offered at best once per year at the Passive House Institute. These workshop days include expert discussions, detailed information about course materials, exam procedure, teaching techniques and tips and tricks for Passive House classes.


Passive House Train the trainer course



There are no spe­cial cri­ter­ia, but you will need the fol­low­ing:

  • Sub­stan­ti­ated know­ledge and ex­per­i­en­ce (e.g. through cer­ti­fied pro­jects) of new Pass­ive House con­struc­tion and re­fur­bish­ment us­ing Pass­ive House com­pon­ents.
  • Sound know­ledge of build­ing phys­ics fun­da­ment­als
  • Suf­fi­cient con­struc­tion site ex­per­i­en­ce in the field of highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient build­ings
  • Suf­fi­cient ex­per­i­en­ce in adult edu­ca­tion (with re­gards to the in­struct­ors who will be hold­ing the lec­tures)

Please note there is no fee to be­come an ac­cred­ited course/ex­am pro­vider, fees only arise when host­ing a Passive House ex­am­in­a­tion.


Passive House course material

You can use your own ma­ter­i­al for the pre­par­at­ory courses or the course ma­ter­i­al de­ve­loped by the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te.

  • The course ma­ter­i­al for de­sign­ers in­cludes all the ne­ces­sary in­form­a­tion for build­ing Pass­ive Houses, the ba­sics for us­ing PHPP and top­ics such as ren­ov­a­tion, non-res­id­en­tial build­ings and Pass­ive Houses in dif­fer­ent cli­mate zones. The course ma­ter­i­al pre­pares stu­dents for the ex­am­in­a­tion to be­come a cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House de­sign­er/con­sult­ant.
  • The course ma­ter­i­al for trades­people provides Passive House basics and practical knowledge for the trades involved. The material is divided into an interdisciplinary part and a subsequent specialisation in the areas of building envelopes and building technology. The course material prepares students for the examination to become a certified Passive House tradesperson.
  • The PHPP ex­pert course material covers the advanced functions of PHPP, designPH, bim2PH and thermal bridges. The course material prepares for the examination for the additional certificate "PHPP Expert", which can only be used in conjunction with a valid designer/consultant certificate.
  • The Con­struc­tion Veri­fi­er ma­ter­i­al fo­cuses at en­sur­ing the real­isa­tion of the de­signed Pass­ive House qual­ity on the con­struc­tion site and in build­ing op­er­a­tion as well as im­prov­ing the pro­cess of build­ing cer­ti­fic­a­tion and thus mak­ing it more cost-ef­fi­cient. The course in­cludes the mod­ules “Nav­ig­at­ing Pass­ive House Cer­ti­fic­a­tion”, “Site Su­per­vi­sor” and “Com­mis­sion­ing”. It pre­pares par­ti­cipants for the ex­am­in­a­tion for the ad­di­tion­al cer­ti­fic­ate “Con­struc­tion Veri­fi­er”, which can only be used to­geth­er with a val­id Pass­ive House De­sign­er/Con­sult­ant cer­ti­fic­ate. At the same time, the course mod­ule “Site Su­per­vi­sor”, which con­cen­trates on the im­port­ant top­ics rel­ev­ant to con­struc­tion sites of large and/or com­plex Pass­ive House build­ings, pre­pares par­ti­cipants for the cor­res­pond­ing “Site Su­per­vi­sor” ex­am­in­a­tion. With it, the “Site Su­per­vi­sor” ad­di­tion­al cer­ti­fic­ate can be achieved, which is only avail­able to­geth­er with a val­id Pass­ive House Trades­per­son cer­ti­fic­ate.

Please note that PH In­sti­tu­te course ma­ter­i­als (and their trans­la­tions) may only be used as pre­par­a­tion for PH In­sti­tu­te ex­ams. Please con­tact us if you wish to use our course ma­ter­i­al without of­fer­ing an ex­am.




Passive House course material

The course ma­ter­i­al is avail­able in dif­fer­ent lan­guages (or un­der trans­la­tion). Please con­tact us to ac­quire the right to use the course ma­ter­i­al in your lan­guage. Qual­i­fied course/ex­am pro­viders can also be giv­en the right to trans­late the course ma­ter­i­al.

Some sample slides and more in­form­a­tion about fee sched­ules and learn­ing ob­ject­ives can be found in the for­mu­lars for designers/consultants and tradespeople.