Many thanks for your interest in spreading the knowledge about Passive Houses! To become a course / exam provider and be allowed to use the course material developed by the Passive House Institute, please follow the procedure below. For more information, click on each box!
Fill in and sign the application for accreditation as an examination provider and then send it to us by post or e-mail. We will need the signature of every instructor of the course.
Once we have received the completed application, we will decide whether an applying institution is fit to become a course / exam provider.
If the application is accepted, we will send you the corresponding contracts. There is one contract to become a course / exam provider and one for the right to use the course material (see below).
Train-the-Trainer workshops are offered at best once per year at the Passive House Institute. These workshop days include expert discussions, detailed information about course materials, exam procedure, teaching techniques and tips and tricks for Passive House classes.
There are no special criteria, but you will need the following:
Please note there is no fee to become an accredited course/exam provider, fees only arise when hosting a Passive House examination.
You can use your own material for the preparatory courses or the course material developed by the Passive House Institute.
Please note that PH Institute course materials (and their translations) may only be used as preparation for PH Institute exams. Please contact us if you wish to use our course material without offering an exam.
The course material is available in different languages (or under translation). Please contact us to acquire the right to use the course material in your language. Qualified course/exam providers can also be given the right to translate the course material.
Some sample slides and more information about fee schedules and learning objectives can be found in the formulars for designers/consultants and tradespeople.