After fixing the examination dates, the Passive House Institute prepares the exam: It lasts 120 minutes and must be taken at an accredited exam provider. The exam is conducted online as in-class or home-office exam by the course/exam provider, using the online exam platform of the Passive House Institute
Completed exams will be first marked by the examination host along a sample solution. Later the marking will be cross checked at the Passive House Institute for quality assurance. The certificate will then be issued and sent to successful participants in digital form via e-mail.
Requirements regarding the exam contents can be found in the exam regulations and in the catalogue of learning objectives. The exam includes multiple choice questions, building site pictures, as well as small calculation and drawing exercises. Take a dedicated course to be prepared!
Some course providers also offer a practical test on their own responsibility, in addition to the exam. Participation and successful completion of the practical test can be mentioned in the certificate but is not a prerequisite to attain it.
Here you can register online for the exam via the Passive House database. All you need is a user account and to follow these steps:
Then you can register for the exam directly on this page. We wish you every success with your exam!
Then you must first visit the following page.
After you have filled out this page, you will receive an email with a link. Please click on this link to activate your account.
You can then use this page to register for the exam, or alternatively select the Certificate tab in your user area and click on Register for next designer exam.
Good luck with your exam!
Winter 2024/2024
The Moodle shutdown will be from 16 December 2024 until 19 January 2025
Summer 2025
The Moodle shutdown will be from 07 July 2025 until 15 August 2025
Many exam providers offer online exams which are available on the other dates. For information on the dates of the online exams, please contact your course provider or exam provider.
Renew your Passive House Tradesperson certificate by documenting your work on a highly energy efficient building or a Passive House project. This work must meet some technical requirements, which will depend on the trade discipline, as well as on the location and climate of the building.
If the building has not been certified by the Passive House Institute, please make sure that the energy-relevant criteria for your trade discipline work have been achieved. Because these criteria are specific to the trade discipline, your construction work does not have to be carried out in a Passive House building.
Your work documentation can be submitted to any Passive House Institute accredited assessing body for a certain fee. It can be sent in any language they are offering, but must include a summary in English. For more information, you can have a look at this sample file and at the requirements for project documentation.
Find out the criteria specific to your certificate renewal by clicking on these links:
Check out this map to find out in which climate zone your project is located.
Different requirements apply for the different trade disciplines depending on the climate zone. You can select your specific trade discipline with the relevant link:
Please send these documents to any Passive House Institute accredited assessment body:
The renewal through project documentation is subject to a fee (see Fee Schedule).
Visit Passive House relevant courses and events, or engage in Passive House teaching activities to collect further training credit points (CP). 30 CP must be achieved altogether to renew your tradesperson certificate; 20 CPs at the most may be obtained in one of the possible areas (teaching, events or advanced training courses).
The Passive House Institute will check your application for a certain fee and after successful renewal of the certificate, send the certificate in digital form via e-mail.
In addition, the contact data of the certified tradesperson will remain in the Passive House professionals database if desired. Any further training course that was attended can also be listed there, under the personal details.
You need to submit Appendix II b (Application - renewal through credit points) to the PH Institute:
*Can’t find a specific course or event? Then please contact the hosts. They may submit their courses/events (also backdated) to the Passive House Institute to be recognized as suitable for certificate renewal.
The renewal through credit points is subject to a fee (see Fee Schedule).