2021 Passive House Award – Energy-efficient role models

March 30, 2021

The 2021 Pas­si­ve Hou­se Award is an in­ter­na­tion­al ar­chi­tec­tur­al com­pet­i­tion for highly en­ergy ef­fi­cient build­ings. Projects can be submitted until 01 June 2021. The win­ners will be presen­ted at an awards ce­re­mony as part of the 25th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce.


Ef­fect­ive cli­mate pro­tec­tion is only pos­sible with en­ergy ef­fi­ciency: the build­ings in which we live and work must be­come far more en­ergy ef­fi­cient. To de­mon­strate that Pass­ive House build­ings with their ex­tremely low en­ergy de­mand  are not only sus­tain­able but can also be im­ple­men­ted in pro­jects liv­ing up to a high ar­chi­tec­tur­al stand­ard, the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te has or­gan­ised the Pass­ive House Award 2021.

Spe­cial con­sid­er­a­tion will be giv­en to the re­new­able en­ergy sup­ply of the build­ings by an in­ter­na­tion­al pan­el of judges, who will choose the win­ner of this com­pet­i­tion. Cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House build­ings, low en­ergy build­ings and En­erPHit pro­jects can par­ti­cip­ate in the Award. Pass­ive House dis­tricts can also be sub­mit­ted.

Sub­mit your pro­ject for the 2021 Pass­ive House Award! Sub­mis­sion close on 01 June, 2021.

The award will be presen­ted dur­ing the 25th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Septem­ber in Wup­per­tal, Ger­many and broad­cast live on­line. We look for­ward to re­ceiv­ing your sub­mis­sions and cel­eb­rat­ing your ar­chi­tec­tur­al achieve­ments!

Spe­cial award

The fol­low­ing spe­cial awards will also be as­signed as part of the Pass­ive House Award 2021:

1. SWIS­SP­SACER "Liv­ing Com­fort" Award

2. North Rhine-West­phalia Spe­cial Award

3. SIGA "Air­tight­ness" Award


For more in­form­a­tion on the Pass­ive House Award 2021, please vis­it the of­fi­cial web­site.


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