Get­ting here

Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te
Rhein­straße 44/46
64283 Darm­stadt, Ger­many

... via pub­lic trans­port
Exit the Darm­stadt sta­tion through the main exit and take any of the fol­low­ing:
Tram 1 (to­wards "Eber­stadt"),
Tram 2 (to­wards "Böl­len­fall­tor"),
Tram 5 (to­wards "Kranich­stein")
Bus F (to­wards "Ober­wald­haus")
Bus H (to­wards "Kes­sel­hut­weg")
Get off two sta­tions later at "Rhein-Neck­ar-Straße". On your right you will see a tall of­fice block and shops. A pas­sage between these leads to the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te.

... by car
If you are com­ing from the south, take the Darm­städter Kreuz exit. If com­ing from the north, take the Darm­städter Dreieck exit. Take the A 672 to­wards Darm­stadt, which will lead to Rhein­straße. On the right you will see the Mari­tim Rhein-Main Hotel. Three traffic lights later you will see a tall of­fice block on the right and some shops. A pas­sage between these leads to the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te. air
There is a shuttle bus ser­vice (Air­liner) op­er­at­ing between Frank­furt Air­port and Darm­stadt every half-hour. A taxi stand is loc­ated in front of the air­port exit; the bus stops par­al­lel to this stand. The Air­liner will take you to the Darm­stadt Cent­ral Sta­tion, from which you can con­tin­ue with pub­lic trans­port (see above).