Pri­vacy Policy

Gen­er­al in­form­a­tion and re­spons­ib­il­it­ies

We are happy that you are in­ter­es­ted in our In­sti­tu­te. With the fol­low­ing de­clar­a­tion we would like to in­form you about the per­son­al data which we col­lect when you use our web­site. The term per­son­al data refers to all in­form­a­tion which refers to you per­son­ally. This in­cludes your name, ad­dress, e-mail ad­dress and your be­ha­viour as a user of our web­sites.

The Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te is re­spons­ible for data pro­tec­tion in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 4 Para­graph 7 of the EU's Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR).

  • Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te
  • Rhein­straße 44/46
  • 64283 Darm­stadt
  • Deutsch­land
  • Phone: +496151 82699-0
  • E-Mail:
  • Web­site: pass­ive­

Con­tact for pri­vacy is­sues:

1. Train­ing courses and ex­am­in­a­tions

The PHI of­fers a wide range of fur­ther train­ing op­por­tun­it­ies with the pos­sib­il­ity of at­tain­ing qual­i­fic­a­tion as a "Cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House De­sign­er/Con­sult­ant" and "Cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House Trades­per­son", as well as oth­er ad­di­tion­al cer­ti­fic­ates. You may at­tend the fur­ther train­ing courses and take the ex­am­in­a­tion with us dir­ec­tly, or al­tern­at­ively with one of our part­ner or­gan­isa­tions. If re­gis­tra­tion, par­ti­cip­a­tion in the fur­ther train­ing course and con­duc­tion of the ex­am­in­a­tion takes place with us, no data will be passed on to third parties. If you wish to at­tend a fur­ther train­ing course at one of our part­ner or­gan­isa­tions and also take the ex­am­in­a­tion there, then your re­gis­tra­tion in­form­a­tion (name, aca­dem­ic title and pro­fes­sion, date of birth, private postal and e-mail ad­dresses, and where ap­plic­able, the postal, in­ter­net and e-mail ad­dresses of your com­pany/em­ploy­er, and iPHA mem­ber­ship) will be passed on to us by that part­ner or­gan­isa­tion. This data will be used for pro­cess­ing the ex­am­in­a­tion and for send­ing in­form­a­tion re­lat­ing to re­new­al of the cer­ti­fic­ate. The PHI will use some of the above-men­tioned data for pub­lish­ing in­form­a­tion re­lat­ing to the cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House de­sign­er on the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te's web­site.

For fur­ther pro­cess­ing the part­ner or­gan­isa­tion will send us the ori­gin­al ex­am­in­a­tion doc­u­ments that have been pro­cessed by you, and the res­ults of the first cor­rec­tion and if ap­plic­able, a copy of your form­al qual­i­fic­a­tions. We will in­form the ex­am­in­a­tion host about the fi­nal res­ult after the second cor­rec­tion. If you opt for on­line re­gis­tra­tion us­ing our portal, but wish to at­tend fur­ther train­ing courses and take the ex­am­in­a­tion with a part­ner or­gan­isa­tion, we will pass on your re­gis­tra­tion in­form­a­tion (see above) to the part­ner or­gan­isa­tion se­lec­ted by you. De­pend­ing on the re­gistered of­fice of the course pro­vider or ex­am­in­a­tion host, your data may no longer fall with­in the scope of the European Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tions and will be pro­cessed fur­ther for in­tern­al use ac­cord­ing to the data pro­tec­tion reg­u­la­tions ap­plic­able in the rel­ev­ant coun­try.

2. Con­tact­ing us via our web­site

On our web­site it is pos­sible for you to con­tact us via e-mail or by filling in an on­line con­tact form. The data provided by you will stored by us in or­der to an­swer your ques­tions and will not be passed on to third parties without your con­sent.

If you use our web­site solely for the pur­pose of ob­tain­ing in­form­a­tion, we will col­lect only the per­son­al data trans­mit­ted by your browser to our serv­er. In or­der to be able to make the con­tent avail­able to you without fault and to en­sure that our web­site func­tions in a stable and fault-free man­ner, we col­lect in­form­a­tion re­lat­ing to your in­ter­net pro­tocol ad­dress, (IP ad­dress), date, con­tent data volume, re­fer­rer or user agent where ap­plic­able and the HT­TP status code, as well as oth­er data and in­form­a­tion used for pro­tec­tion in the event of at­tacks on our sys­tem.

The basis for col­lec­tion and stor­age of this data is Art­icle 6 Para­graph 1 sub-para­graph f) of the GDPR.

3. Job ap­plic­a­tions

If you send us an ap­plic­a­tion for a job, wheth­er by post or elec­tron­ic­ally, we col­lect and pro­cess your data for the pur­pose of hand­ling the ap­plic­a­tion pro­cess. If the job ap­plic­a­tion res­ults in an em­ploy­ment con­tract, your data will be stored in ac­cord­ance with the leg­al pro­vi­sions. If your job ap­plic­a­tion is re­jec­ted, we will auto­mat­ic­ally de­lete your data after two months if you have not con­sen­ted to fur­ther stor­age of your data or if de­let­ing the data is not op­posed to any oth­er jus­ti­fied in­terests on our part (e.g. bur­den of proof in a pro­cess un­der the Gen­er­al Equal Treat­ment Act (AGG)).

4. Cook­ies

In ad­di­tion to the pre­vi­ously men­tioned data, we save cook­ies on your com­puter. Cook­ies are text files that are saved on your hard drive and are used to re­cog­nise you as a user of our web­site and to en­able us to design our web­site to be more user-friendly and ef­fect­ive. These cook­ies send us cer­tain in­form­a­tion. By chan­ging the set­tings of your in­ter­net browser you can pre­vent cook­ies from be­ing saved by us. In ad­di­tion, you can also de­lete any cook­ies that already ex­ist on your com­puter. Please note that in that case you will not be able to use all the func­tions of our web­site.

In the con­text of the Double-Opt-In pro­ced­ure, we save the IP ad­dress provided by your in­ter­net ser­vice pro­vider (ISP) for the com­puter sys­tem used at the time of re­gis­tra­tion, and the date and time of re­gis­tra­tion. This is ne­ces­sary for track­ing any mis­use of your e-mail ad­dress and there­fore serves as a leg­al safe­guard for us. The data col­lec­ted by us will be used solely for send­ing our news­let­ter and will not be passed on to third parties.

5. Web ana­lyt­ics

We use the ana­lyt­ics ser­vice Mat­omo for our in­ter­net web­site. This is an open source soft­ware tool with which we wish to ana­lyse and im­prove our in­ter­net web­site. Mat­omo among oth­er things col­lects data about the web­site from which you ar­rived on our web­site (re­fer­rer) and the sub­pages you ac­cessed and the length of time spent view­ing a sub­page. These log files are stored only on our serv­er and are not passed on.

We con­figured Mat­omo to be pri­vacy friendly, as de­scribed at ht­tps://mat­­wik/how-do-i-use-mat­omo-ana­lyt­ics-without-con­sent-or-cook­ie-ban­ner/.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion and ap­plic­able pri­vacy policy of Mat­omo can be viewed here: ht­tps://mat­­vacy/.

6. You­Tube

We have in­cluded video clips in our web­site which are stored on the in­ter­net video-shar­ing web­site You­Tube. You can play these clips dir­ec­tly from our web­site. These are in­teg­rated in the so-called en­hanced data pro­tec­tion mode, which means that none of your per­son­al data is trans­ferred to You­Tube un­less you play the video. Per­son­al data will only be trans­mit­ted to You­Tube if the video is played, re­gard­less of wheth­er you are a re­gistered You­Tube user­or not. If you are logged in­to Google your data will be dir­ec­tly al­loc­ated to your ac­count. We do not have any in­flu­en­ce on this trans­fer of data.

The op­er­at­ing com­pany of You­Tube is You­Tube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA. You­Tube, LLC is a sub­si­di­ary of Google Inc., 1600 Am­phi­theatre Pkwy, Moun­tain View, CA 94043-1351, USA.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion re­gard­ing the pur­pose and ex­tent of data col­lec­tion and its pro­cess­ing by You­Tube can be found in You­Tube's data pro­tec­tion de­clar­a­tion where fur­ther in­form­a­tion about your rights and op­tions for pri­vacy set­tings can also be found: ht­tps://­tl/en/policies/pri­vacy.

7. Google Maps

We use Google Maps on our web­site. Per­son­al data, par­tic­u­larly your IP ad­dress and loc­a­tion data are not col­lec­ted without your con­sent (gen­er­ally in the con­text of set­tings on your mo­bile devices). This data may be pro­cessed in the USA. You can change your cook­ie set­tings here: ht­tps://adsset­­then­tic­ated

The op­er­at­ing com­pany of Google Maps is Google LLC, 1600 Am­phi­theatre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA.

The data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­sions pub­lished by Google Maps which can be re­trieved un­der ht­tps://­tl/en/policies/pri­vacy/ provide in­form­a­tion re­gard­ing the col­lec­tion, pro­cess­ing and use of per­son­al data by Google Maps and Google.

Opt-Out: ht­tps://adsset­­then­tic­ated.

8. News­let­ter, mail­ing list and re­gis­tra­tion

On our web­sites we of­fer the op­por­tun­ity to sub­scribe to vari­ous news­let­ters and to re­gister for ac­cess to spe­cial ser­vices or con­tents, e.g. to our on­line shop. The cor­res­pond­ing in­put form spe­ci­fies the per­son­al data you must enter. A val­id e-mail ad­dress is usu­ally suf­fi­cient for sub­scrib­ing to news­let­ters or be­ing in­cluded in a mail­ing list. Your in­put will be­come val­id only after the suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of a double-opt-in pro­ced­ure, in which you will re­ceive a con­firm­a­tion e-mail from us after the re­gis­tra­tion, with which you as the own­er of the e-mail ad­dress can au­thor­ise re­ceipt of the news­let­ter.

You may can­cel your sub­scrip­tion or re­gis­tra­tion at any time and with­draw con­sent for stor­age of your per­son­al data provided by you in the double-opt-in pro­ced­ure, after which this per­son­al data will be de­leted by us. We will deem can­cel­la­tion of the news­let­ter to be with­draw­al of con­sent. For this, please use the link giv­en at the end of each news­let­ter, or con­tact us at datens­

Our news­let­ters con­tain so-called track­ing pixels. A track­ing pixel is a mini­ature im­age that is em­bed­ded in the e-mail. It al­lows re­cord­ing and ana­lys­is of a log file as well as stat­ist­ic­al ev­al­u­ation of our e-mail cam­paigns. Us­ing the em­bed­ded track­ing pixel we can identi­fy wheth­er and when you opened an e-mail and which of the links in the e-mail you have clicked.

This per­son­al data is stored and ev­al­u­ated by us in or­der to op­tim­ise our ser­vice and to ad­apt the con­tent of our fu­ture news­let­ters even bet­ter to your in­terests. This data is not trans­ferred to third parties.

9. Sur­veys and forms

We carry out on­line-sur­veys to im­prove our ser­vices. Par­ti­cip­a­tion in our sur­veys, stor­age, and use of the in­form­a­tion provided by you is only pos­sible after you have giv­en con­sent.

In or­der to bet­ter clas­si­fy your as­sess­ments and in­form­a­tion, we ask about your pro­fes­sion­al qual­i­fic­a­tions and re­quest you to provide in­form­a­tion about your pro­fes­sion­al act­iv­it­ies. Par­ti­cip­a­tion in our sur­veys without stat­ing your name is pos­sible, re­gis­tra­tion is not ne­ces­sary.

Our sur­veys and forms can be pre­pared and ev­al­u­ated with the help of Google Forms (Google Ire­land Lim­ited, Gor­don House, Bar­row Street, Dub­lin 4, Ir­land). Their data pro­tec­tion pro­vi­sions can be found here:ht­tps://­tl/en/policies/pri­vacy/.

10. We­binars with We­bin­ar­Jam

We use We­bin­ar­Jam (Gen­es­is Di­git­al LLC, 7660 Fay Ave #H184, La Jolla, CA 9203, USA) for our we­binars.

When you re­gister for one of our we­binars, We­bin­ar­Jam re­ceives your name and email ad­dress.

You can find fur­ther in­form­a­tion and ap­plic­able pri­vacy policy of We­bin­ar­Jam at ht­tps://www.gen­es­isdi­git­­al/pri­vacy­po­licy.php and at ht­tps://home.we­bin­ar­

11. On­line-Events and Video-Com­mu­nic­a­tion

For our on­line events and com­mu­nic­a­tion via video with you we use the fol­low­ing soft­ware:


12. Pay­ments

When pay­ing on our web­site, your data are trans­ferred to the pay­ment pro­vider on the basis of Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. b GDPR (con­tract man­age­ment) as well as based on our le­git­im­ate in­terest in the use of de­pend­able and se­cure pay­ment pro­cesses (Art. 6 Sect. 1 lit. f GDPR).

We of­fer pay­ment pro­cess­ing via Stripe. The pro­vider for cus­tom­ers with­in the EU is Stripe Pay­ments Europe, Ltd.,1 Grand Canal Street Lower, Grand Canal Dock, Dub­lin, Ire­land (here­in­after re­ferred to as "Stripe"). When you make a pay­ment us­ing Stripe, your pay­ment data are for­war­ded to Stripe via an in­ter­face on our web­site so that the pay­ment can be pro­cessed. For de­tails about this pro­cess, please con­sult Stripe’s Data Pro­tec­tion Policy un­der the fol­low­ing link: ht­tps://­vacy.

We of­fer pay­ment via PayP­al. The pro­vider of this pay­ment pro­cess­ing ser­vice is PayP­al (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Roy­al, L-2449 Lux­em­bourg (here­in­after re­ferred to as "PayP­al"). You can find fur­ther in­form­a­tion and the pri­vacy policy of Payp­al at ht­tps://www.payp­­vacy-full.

13. Your rights

You are en­titled to ob­tain in­form­a­tion from us re­gard­ing the per­son­al data we store re­lat­ing to you. In ad­di­tion, you have the right to the cor­rec­tion, block­ing and de­le­tion of your per­son­al data provided there is no leg­al ob­lig­a­tion to keep re­cords.

You may with­draw con­sent for stor­age and use of your per­son­al data at any time.

You also have the right to make a com­plaint to data pro­tec­tion au­thor­it­ies about the pro­cess­ing of your per­son­al data by us.