Building Tours

Join us on one of the fol­low­ing in­sight­ful tours to ex­cit­ing Pass­ive House pro­jects in the Inns­bruck area!
Feb. 22, 2024

Round off your con­fer­ence week­end by join­ing us on Sunday, 7 April 2024, to vis­it ex­cit­ing pass­ive house pro­jects in the Inns­bruck re­gion! Ex­am­ine the the­or­et­ic­al know­ledge im­par­ted dur­ing the con­fer­ence in prac­tice, talk to build­ing own­ers and pro­ject par­ti­cipants about their ex­per­i­ences and prob­lem-solv­ing ap­proaches and use the lunch to­geth­er to ex­pand your pass­ive house net­work!
Four dif­fer­ent ex­cur­sion tours are on of­fer, all of which will take you to both new Pass­ive House build­ings and En­erPHit ret­ro­fits. Take a look at the ex­cur­sion pro­gramme and be in­spired!

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