Conference Sneak Peek #5

Ses­si­on 12: In­ter­na­tio­nal En­er­PHit Pro­jects
March 3, 2023


Take a look at our pro­gramme with Mi­cheel Was­souf's present­a­tion at Ses­sion 12 on Sat­urday, 11th of March 2023 at 10.45 am, among oth­ers:


The ana­ly­sis re­flects the ve­ry good be­ha­viour of the buil­ding in sum­mer­ti­me. In­te­ri­or tem­pe­ra­tu­res ha­ve a ve­ry high in­er­tia, mo­ving bet­ween 26-27ºC, worth men­tio­ning that we are de­al­ing with a well-pre­pa­red buil­ding user, com­bi­ned with a smart con­trol sys­tem (mo­to­ri­zed ve­ne­ti­an blinds etc). 


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