New software takes Passive House planning to a whole new level

Passive House Institute launches 3D design tool designPH
March 20, 2013

Darmstadt/Innsbruck. Passive House planning has never been more convenient. The new designPH, a 3D model interface developed by the Passive House Institute, allows for graphic input of energy related design data. Details relating to the thermal building envelope and shading are entered automatically and can be optimised if necessary. The treated floor area can be gradually refined in order to simplify the design process. The results can be exported into the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP 8) with just a few clicks.

The Sketch­Up plu­gin con­tains a vari­ety of cli­mate data as well as a data­base of suit­able build­ing com­pon­ents with their key para­met­ers. U-val­ues can also be as­signed to trans­par­ent build­ing com­pon­ents. This way, vari­ous com­bin­a­tions of win­dow frames and glaz­ings can be eval­u­ated in terms of their thermal per­form­ance at an early design stage. Ad­di­tion­ally, thermal bridges can be defined; and the ef­fect of each change in the build­ing design on the en­ergy bal­ance is dis­played dir­ectly in the 3D tool.

"The new design­PH will com­pletely change the way we work with the PHPP. Check­ing a new design’s com­pli­ance with the Pass­ive House Stand­ard has nev­er been easi­er, faster and more ac­cur­ate," says Har­ald Kon­rad Malzer, mem­ber of the design­PH de­vel­op­ment team at the Pass­ive House In­sti­tute. The need for such a 3D tool – not only for the young gen­er­a­tion of de­sign­ers – be­came in­creas­ingly evid­ent through feed­back from PHPP users. Now, it is fi­nally avail­able.

The new design­PH tool was de­veloped as an add-on to the PHPP plan­ning tool which has been well-es­tab­lished in­ter­na­tion­ally for many years. The first ver­sion of the 3D tool is avail­able in com­bin­a­tion with the new PHPP 8. This latest ver­sion of the Pass­ive House Plan­ning Pack­age of­fers a vari­ety of new and im­proved fea­tures in­clud­ing ad­vanced op­tions for the cal­cu­la­tion of re­new­ables, en­hanced com­pat­ib­il­ity, new com­pon­ents and new cli­mate data sets. Mak­ing use of all these fea­tures is even more con­veni­ent with the design­PH tool. De­tailed in­form­a­tion about the 3D tool and or­der­ing can be found on­line at:

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