Early bird offer extended until 4 February!

The extension applies to both, conference tickets and exhibition booths. Check out the updated sketch of the exhibition area as well!
Jan. 17, 2024

Be quick and book your con­fer­en­ce tick­et and/or ex­hib­i­tion booth by 4 Feb­ru­ary 2024 to be­ne­fit from the early bird dis­count! Mem­bers of iPHA, IG Passivhaus, and Passivhaus Aus­tria be­ne­fit from ad­di­tion­al dis­counts on the early bird price.

For every­one in­ter­es­ted in the Pass­ive House ex­hib­i­tion, we have an­oth­er great piece of in­form­a­tion: Ad­ap­ted to your in­di­vidu­al needs, we now of­fer an ex­ten­ded range of stand op­tions. You can choose from the fol­low­ing booth sizes: 3m², 6m², 9m², 12m². Com­bin­a­tions of these sizes are also pos­sible. Take a look at the up­dated ex­hib­i­tion sketch! There you can also see which booth areas are cur­rently still avail­able.


Hold­ers of a cer­ti­fied Pass­ive House com­pon­ent also be­ne­fit from a dis­count on the stand price! If you have any ques­tions about the ex­hib­i­tion, please feel free to get in touch with Miri­am Wich­mann: miri­am.wich­mann@phi-ibk.at

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