"Sanierung des Mayerhofs mit vorgefertigten naturgedämmten Holzständerelementen"

Vortrag von Michael Flach
1. Februar 2024

Re­tro­fit is the key to cli­ma­te pro­tec­ti­on in the buil­ding sec­tor. In li­ne with this years's mot­to "Re­tro­fit. Ha­ve an Im­pact!", the 27th In­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se Con­fe­rence pro­vi­des ans­wers to the ques­ti­on of how to si­gni­fi­cant­ly im­pro­ve the ener­gy ef­fi­cien­cy of the buil­ding stock to the Ener­PHit stan­dard. Ex­ci­ting new-build pro­jects and va­lua­ble tech­ni­cal in­no­va­ti­ons will al­so be pre­sen­ted at the con­fe­rence.

Dis­co­ver the full programme!


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