Neue Online-Datenbank zeigt Passivhaus-Komponenten im Überblick
Bequeme Suche nach zertifizierten Produkten / Details auf Tagung in Darmstadt
Darmstadt. Ob zum Stöbern oder zur gezielten Suche – eine neue Datenbank im Internet
bietet eine ansprechende Übersicht von Komponenten für den Bau eines Passivhauses. Alle Produkte, die hinsichtlich ihrer energetischen Qualitäten unabhängig geprüft und zertifiziert worden sind, werden einschließlich der relevanten technischen Angaben aufgeführt; dreifach verglaste Fenster und Lüftungsanlagen mit Wärmerückgewinnung ebenso wie Dämmsysteme und Balkonverbindungen. Details der neuen Datenbank sowie deren Einsatzmöglichkeiten in der Praxis werden auf der Internationalen Passivhaustagung 2016 in Darmstadt vorgestellt
The scope for creative design in the planning of a Passive House building is growing. Over 600 highly energy-efficient products can be found in the newly launched online database. A suitable solution is thus possible for virtually every architectural challenge. From the start site, an illustration of a house facilitates the selection of the desired category. The respective components can then be sorted according to different criteria. Individual depictions with graphs and key characteristic values provide information at a glance. The full information relating to energy-relevant characteristics can be found in the corresponding Passive House certificates. Links to manufacturers make it easy to contact them directly.
"When considering the life cycle costs, Certified Passive House Components are almost always the best choice, both for new builds and for retrofits,” says Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Passive House Institute in Darmstadt, Germany. "The quality-proofed products provide reliably high energy savings – and with the new database, planners and building owners can easily gain an overview of the existing possibilities".
As an independent body, the international Passive House Institute tests and certifies products. All certified components have been examined according to uniform criteria and are comparable with reference to their energy-relevant characteristic values. Consequently, the quality seal offers planning reliability to building owners and architects. The use of certified products also contributes to the fault-free functioning of a Passive House building. At the International Passive House Conference in Darmstadt, Germany, many examples of Passive House components will be presented from 22 to 23 April at an accompanying trade exhibition.