2021 Pas­si­ve Hou­se Award – Spe­cial award


SWIS­SPACER „Liv­ing Com­fort“ Award

In ad­di­tion to the thermal prop­er­ties of the win­dow frame and the in­su­lat­ing glass - with its edge seal as an en­er­get­ic weak point in the build­ing en­vel­ope - the acous­tic prop­er­ties of the win­dow also make a sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to com­fort in build­ings and thus to liv­ing com­fort. The SWIS­SPACER "Liv­ing Com­fort" award is presen­ted to a build­ing that takes these as­pects in­to ac­count in the best pos­sible way.
The ev­al­u­ation cri­ter­ia are the thermal qual­ity of the win­dows (win­dow frame, in­su­lat­ing glass in­clud­ing edge seal and in­stall­a­tion situ­ation) and the acous­tic in­teg­ra­tion of the win­dows in­to the build­ing en­vel­ope. The jury ev­al­u­ates the thermal para­met­ers of the win­dows, the de­tailed in­stall­a­tion solu­tion and the de­scrip­tion of the ap­plic­ants in the "As­pects of liv­ing com­fort" sec­tion.


SWIS­SPACER be­longs to the Saint-Gobain Group, was foun­ded in 1998 and has its headquar­ters in Switzer­land. The com­pany op­er­ates world­wide and is an in­nov­a­tion lead­er in "warm edge" spacers for win­dows and facades. By re­du­cing heat­ing en­ergy and CO2 emis­sions, SWIS­SPACER makes an im­port­ant con­tri­bu­tion to cli­mate pro­tec­tion. In ad­di­tion, the thermal im­prove­ment of the glass edge also re­duces the form­a­tion of con­dens­a­tion wa­ter and thus re­duces the risk of mould and bac­ter­ia form­a­tion. SWIS­SPACER thus con­trib­utes to a healthy and com­fort­able liv­ing at­mo­sphere.