Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CET) classroom course (PHANZ) - Wellington, NZ


Mon 8 Apr 2024 0:00 – Mon 8 Apr 2024 6:00

Certified Passive House Tradesperson (CET) classroom course, Wellington
08 -12 April 2024, 10am-4pm.NZ (Wellington Time)

Course Brief description:Passive House is a quality assurance standard. It needs competent hands at all stages for its success. You have the chance to attend a five-day classroom training, at the end of which you may sit the externally assessed exam to become a Certified Passive House Tradesperson with the specialisation "Building Envelope".
With this certificate, you signal to your clients and partners that you have an in-depth understanding of the Passive House standard and the techniques to build to it.
This course combines three days of theory with two practical days in the workshop.

Link to course details: https://www.phanz.ac.nz/2018/02/certified-passive-house-tradesperson.html