iPHA Webinar "Project Spotlight: outPHit single-family concept retrofit in Germany" with Berthold Kaufmann, Passive House Institute - online


Wed 13 Mar 2024

"Project Spotlight: outPHit single-family concept retrofit in Germany"
with Berthold Kaufmann, Passive House Institute
This iPHA webinar provides an overview of the serial modernizations implemented in the EU project outPHit. Using the example of the renovation of a single-family home in Darmstadt, Germany, the speaker, Dr Berthold Kaufmann, provides detailed insights into the implementation and planning of the building.
While single-family Passive Houses are a well-established building typology, the outPHit streamlined approach can make the building process more efficient and quicker. Having a formulated concept from the beginning of the retrofit process helps avoid mistakes and supports the project team in making the right decisions early on.

This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and is worth 2 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit points.

There is one webinar session available:

Session 1: 6pm Frankfurt | 5pm London | 12pm New York | 9am San Francisco

MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION HERE: https://passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=564