National ZEB (Zero Emissions Buildings) Summit, Dublin, Irland

Affiliates & Partners

Wed 21 Feb 2024 10:30 – Thu 22 Feb 2024 18:00

National ZEB (Zero Emissions Buildings) Summit, 2024

The full 1.5-day event is worth 10 CPD Points or 12 CP for Passivhaus Institut Certificate Renewal. 

The world is on the cusp of a monumental shift towards sustainable living, and the ZEB (Zero Emissions Buildings) Summit is at the forefront of this transformation. Hosted by MosArt, this event is a melting pot of ideas, innovations, and insights, driving the global transition to zero emissions in building and design. With the European Union setting new standards for zero-emission buildings, the ZEB Summit is your golden ticket to get ahead, learn, and adapt to the upcoming changes.

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