PHRibbon Case Studies - Single Family Embodied Carbon Focus: 17 Mile Haus

Affiliates & Partners

Thu 18 May 2023 18:00 – 19:00

PHribbon Case Studies, showcase real world examples and the professionals working on them. Find out the latest and ask questions! 

The PHN PHribbon allows Passive House designers to calculate total cradle-to-grave building carbon  emissions, for buildings located in the US, within the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) tool. By utilizing the PHPP and PHN PHribbon, building designers have an unparalleled ability to connect design and construction choices to carbon emissions outcomes. With the PHN PHribbon designers can optimize their building designs to address our climate emergency. More info & register here

Featuring: Bronwyn Barry is a registered architect based in San Francisco, CA, and a principal of her firm Passive House BB. Bronwyn organized and directed California’s first all-women construction crew for Habitat for Humanity before co-founding both  Passive House California (PHCA) and the North American Passive House Network. Bronwyn’s advocacy work extends internationally. She was an active contributor to the UNECE’s Coalition on Buildings, working to develop a global standard for high-performance buildings. Locally, she has focused on direct implementation by designing and building Passive House buildings since 2008. Bronwyn has contributed as a subject matter expert on a number of research projects in collaboration with researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs (LBNL). Most recently she worked with California’s Codes and Standards team on exploring a Multifamily Passive House Reach Code for California. She directed NAPHN’s policy support programming and edited the NAPHN Policy Resource Guide published in 2019 at NAPHN19. Bronwyn was educated in South Africa, the UK, and the USA and holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Natal-KwaZulu.