Reducing Embodied Carbon for Step Code Homes, ZEBx - Online

Affiliates & Partners

Fri 28 Jan 2022 21:00 – 22:00

Reducing Embodied Carbon for Step Code Homes
Free Webinar: Fri Jan 28, 2022 from 12pm - 1pm PST

As we move up the BC Energy Step Code ladder while cutting back on operational emissions, we can’t lose sight of embodied carbon when selecting the components and materials for new buildings. Without considering embodied carbon, more energy-efficient homes could still contribute to global warming – with most of the impact occurring before the homeowner moves in! To help you make the right choices, ZEBx and CLF Vancouver are collaborating on the next Decarb Lunch focused on the lessons learned from a study of 34 step code homes.

Join ZEBx and the
 Carbon Leadership Forum - Vancouver (CLF Vancouver) for the first 2022 Decarb Lunch.
