Colorado Passive House Happy Hour, Emu Passive - Arvada, Colorado, USA

Affiliates & Partners

Fri 13 Aug 2021 23:00 – Sat 14 Aug 2021 2:00

Our first Happy Hour in over a year! Now with *roof deck* open.

Building Science geeks unite!

Come have a beer, talk Passive House, and share stories with friends and colleagues while learning more about advanced building science.

What started as a casual get together of friends and colleagues in a relatively small niche of the construction industry, has turned into one of the premier events for Passive House and building science in the Rocky Mountain region.

Join us for nibbles, networking, and learning. We'll have our central Show-n-Tell table with product and materials samples out for you to play with and ask questions about. AND it will be the same week as our CPHT class, so our student builders will be able to show you their Passive Pods in construction!

A HUGE thank you to the companies that help us make these Happy Hours possible. Please make sure to check out their tables at the next Happy Hour and ask them about how their products and services can help you achieve Passive standards.  

The Happy Hour and Mini-Expo are organized with passion and love by Emu.

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