PHLevel | Carbon-Emissions Evaluation for Passive House, NYPH - online

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Tue 8 Dec 2020 23:00 – 0:00


As greater quantities of variable renewable energy are integrated into the electric grid the hour to hour variation in emissions is only increasing. This is at odds with how building designers have traditionally treated all kilowatt hours as equal from an emissions standpoint. Now not only how much electricity a building consumes, but when that building consumes electricity is increasingly important. This presentation provides an overview of different time-varying grid emissions factors available to designers to assess building performance and how they should be employed to influence building design and operation.

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As an analyst at Wattime, Henry helps WattTime’s partners and collaborators understand how they can affect the electric grid and achieve the greatest reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, whether through location-based renewables siting or automated emissions reductions. After graduating from UC Berkeley’s architecture program and a decade of work in sustainable design including at Atelier Ten, Henry specializes in building performance. He has expanded his expertise to include emissions-focused load shifting, energy storage optimization, and renewable energy siting to maximize avoided emissions.

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