12th Spanish Passive House Conference, PEP, Institutional session - online

Affiliates & Partners

Wed 21 Oct 2020 12:00 – 13:30

Tickets are available for the 12th Spanish Passivhaus Conference, whichwill be held online on 21, 22, 28 and 29 October!

 Institutional Session: 21 October (12.00-13.30)

 Technical Sessions: 22, 28 and 29 October (16.00-20.00)

You can check the program and enjoy an early-bird discount up to 1 Octoberat https://conferencia-pep.org/conference

This year the event will be through a specific platform where, in additionto attending the presentations, it will be possible to interact with all theattendees through chat, interact with the speakers during the Livequestion-and-answer session and even schedule appointments with Passivhauscomponent suppliers.

Attending the Spanish Passivhaus Conference wherever you are is easier thanever thanks to the online format. In addition, the language will not be aproblem either, since all the presentations will have a Spanish-Englishtranslation.

Are you going to miss it?