Green Buildings in a Green Recovery, Webinar by Passivhaus Trust - online

Affiliates & Partners

Tue 21 Jul 2020 12:00 – 13:00

Despite the ongoing challenges of Covid19, the transition to net-zero seems to be a hot topic with staying power. What is a 'green building' and why should it form a core pillar in the green recovery?

The co-benefits of building energy-efficient homes is ten-fold. Improved comfort & living standards not only improve health & wellbeing but can also help save the NHS in the long-term. Lower fuel bills create true affordability, and the residual income increases spending, which feeds back into the local communities. The act of building & retrofitting could boost the economy, provide a great way out of a recession by supporting thousands of jobs and new skills, whilst also combating climate change. Investors are actively seeking finance green ventures.

There is much enthusiasm within the construction sector, and discussions are beginning to focus on a renewed sense of urgency, greater awareness of global connectedness, and an increased expectation for leadership in governance. Join us to assess all the above and more in light of the UK's recently announced ‘New Deal’.

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