"Alpine Town of the Year" and workshop - Idrija, Slovenia

Affiliates & Partners

Fri 17 Oct 2014 – Sun 19 Oct 2014
Idrija, 5280 Idrija, Slovenia

How can a house be built or refurbished in a sustainable way? What kind of general framework needs to be set up by a municipality in order to build with the lowest energy consumption possible? Who needs to be involved in this process? How does successful cooperation within the region work? These and other question will be discussed at the workshop held on October 17th 2014. The"Alpine Town of the Year" association and the town of Idrija will be offering inspiration, examples, impulses and answers. Bruno Summer (Mayor of St. Gerold/A) presents the first public building in passive house standard of Vorarlberg and Bruno Dujič (scientist and entrepreneur) introduces the opportunities and challenges of the construction material wood. The marketplace of ideas will present contributions from experts from different Alpine countries on how sustainable building and renovation as well as low carbon strategies work and how they can be put into action, while municipalities and networks offer information on Energy Actions Plans (SEAP) and advice services. A detailed programme is available on: www.alpenstaedte.org/en/current-topics/events/4984 Please register before 10th October 2014 under www.alpenstaedte.org/en/registration. The workshop is part of the MountEE project and co-financed by the European Union within the programme "Intelligent Energy Europe".