Sustainable Building and Refurbishment - Vienna, Austria

Affiliates & Partners

Tue 27 May 2014 – Wed 28 May 2014
Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Wien, Österreich

This conference and b2b matchmaking event targets companies as well as stakeholders working in the field of sustainable building and refurbishment, wanting to experience latest technologies, sharing new project ideas and last but not least finding collaboration partners for new business opportunities. Passivhaus Austria is organizing an excursion to the largest Passive Houses of Vienna. Participation is for free, regestration necessary. Main topics Construction/secondary contract work Building materials/components and assemblies Engineering and planning/ architecture and construction services Renewable energies/air conditioning and building technologies Business agencies/clusters and associations Why to participate? to learn about the latest technologies on sustainable building + refurbishment to gain knowledge on new markets to present, discuss and develop new projects to initiate cross-border contacts to create synergies through sharing know-how Highlights of Program 27th of May Keynote by Karin Stieldorf -TU Wien Workshops: The Austrian view on sustainable building Internationalisierung - Marktchancen richtig nutzen Panel Discussions: Refurbishments Marktpotentiale für Sanierung - Retrofitting als Businessmodell B2B-Meetings & Networking Dinner 28th of May Excursions to Passive Houses Tour 2 by Passivhaus Austria will visit Residental building U2 Aspernstr. WHA Mautner Markhof RHW.2 Tower - Raiffeisen Passive House Area Eurogate