7th international conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings (IEECB’12) - Frankfurt, Germany

Affiliates & Partners

Wed 18 Apr 2012 – Fri 20 Apr 2012
Frankfurt, Germany

The two days Conference will be held in Frankfurt (Germany) on 18th and 19th April 2012, during the Light+Building trade fair. Previous editions of IEECB have attracted key international researchers and experts on energy efficiency in non-residential buildings. The conference is addressed to energy policy makers at international, national, and local level, academic, researchers and energy efficiency experts, ESCOs, utilities, buildings energy and environmental managers, buildings engineers and architects, equipment manufacturers and commercial property investors, with the aim to promote and diffuse the concept of energy efficiency in new and existing commercial buildings and enlarge the market for low consumption and sustainable buildings. The conference aims at attracting international experts and companies to allow exchanges of experiences and best practices among different countries and continents. http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/events.htm