Low energy buildings and Passive House - Borso del Grappa, Italy

Affiliates & Partners

Sat 31 Mar 2012 10:45 – 12:30
Bassano Expo, via Valsugana 22, 36022 Cassola (VI), Borso del Grappa (TV), Italy

Conference organized by Studio TTS, Borso del Grappa (TV), Italy: Low energy buildings and Passive House The meeting is aimed at giving information about low energy buildings and the Passive House standard. The speakers will show the peculiarities of such buildings and illustrate the opportunity of applying the Passive House standard to modern building technologies. It will follow an economic analysis related to both new constructions and retrofits. BASSANO EXPO, “ECOCASA” FAIR, Saturday 24th of March 2012 – Saturday 31st of March 2012 10.45 Welcoming and registering participants 11.15 The six key points of low energy buildings and Passive Houses 11.30 Passive House Standard: adaptable to any building methodologies 11.45 Costs and savings of a low energy building and a Passive House 12.00 Q&A session 12.30 End of conference Speakers: Arch. Lydia Bossi, Certified Passive House Designer Giuseppe Lucadello, Passive House Consultant