Affiliates & Partners
Sun 18 Mar 2012 0:00 – 0:00
CROWNE PLAZA BRUSSELS - Brussels, Belgium The passive house concept is the ideal way to reach zero energy! The 5th of October 2012 Passiefhuis-Platform and Plate-Forme Maison Passive will organise the eleventh edition of the PassiveHouse Symposium in Brussels, Belgium. Please send in your abstract before the 18th of March 2012 and become a speaker for the largest symposium on passive and zero energy construction in the Benelux. PASSIVEHOUSE SYMPOSIUM The PassiveHouse Symposium was founded to facilitate the exchange of ideas, knowledge and progress in the field of energy-efficient construction. This symposium offers a platform for speakers all over Europe to share their knowledge on innovating technologies, their research and their experience. In 2011, 400 participants gathered for this symposium to exchange ideas and learn the latest developments. CALL FOR PAPERS We heartily welcome papers related to the passive house concept. The 2012 themes are: • Zero-energy developments • District development • Hospitals, day care centres and homes for the elderly • Passive schools, swimming pools, supermarkets and hotels • Renovation towards 100% passive • Monitoring: the behavior of inhabitants • Passive cooling and heating APPLICATION If you wish to apply, please send an email to and mention: • the subject of the presentation • a twenty line abstract with a short summary of the subject • the main authors and their resumé • the language of the final contribution (Dutch, French or English) According to the evaluation of the scientific committee, the abstracts will be scheduled as an oral presentation or be refused. The author of an approved subject, will also be invited to write a paper to be published in the PassiveHouse Conference Proceedings. This paper should preferably be written in English, but Dutch or French are accepted too. A paper application implies the author‘s acceptance to publish the paper in the conference proceedings. MORE INFORMATION Please visit the website of the last edition: