Laney College Passive House Design Charette, Session 1 - Oakland, CA

Affiliates & Partners

Tue 31 Jan 2012 18:00 – 21:00
Oakland, CA

PHCA and Laney College Construction Department are teaming up to build an affordable PH project in 2012. PHCA members are invited to participate in this series of design charettes, where members can learn alongside the Laney Instructors about what it takes to build an affordable PH project in CA. The City of Oakland has donated a fire-damaged property as the site for the Passive House, the Oakland Rotary Club is providing a substantial portion of the materials budget, and PHCA and Laney College are working together to raise money for the rest of the materials. If you can’t make a charettes, there will be additional trainings and site visits to the project for PHCA members once the project is under construction. REGISTER for these events at: