European Buildings under the Microscope - Brussels, Belgium

Affiliates & Partners

Thu 10 Nov 2011 – Fri 11 Nov 2011
Brussels, Belgium

‘‘European Buildings under the Microscope - country-by-country review of the energy performance of European buildings’, 10th November 2010, 9.30-13.00 As there is a lack of comprehensive data on buildings at European level, BPIE analysed the European building stock (EU 27 as well as Switzerland and Norway) including building characteristics, building codes and other regulatory measures. The collected data allowed to determine the energy and CO2 saving potential of European buildings and to model a variety of scenarios for the systematic renovation of the European building stock till 2050. For early registration (seats are limited!), please send an e-mail to or call +32 2 789 30 00. Please specify which part you would like to attend. Both studies are of specific interest for policy makers at EU and Member State level, as well as for the research community.