Cutting Carbon Costs Conference - London, UK

Affiliates & Partners

Tue 8 Nov 2011 – Wed 9 Nov 2011
London School of Economics Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE, UK

*Cutting Carbon Costs Conference: Our big energy battle* *Tuesday 8^th November 9.30-4.30pm, London School of Economics, Central London* As you know, reducing our energy bills is becoming more and more important for everyone as energy costs rise. Being up to speed on this subject is crucial. We know that training budgets are tight at present, so we are offering a discounted rate of £95 to public bodies and established charities, and a lower rate of £60 to community and voluntary organisations. We also offer a £30 discount for a second participant from the same organisation. We have gathered the latest evidence on how to cut our energy costs. Lord Nicholas Stern, author of the world shaping review of the economics of climate change will talk to us about its implications and the costs of not doing it for poor communities. The German Energy Agency’s leading expert on energy efficiency will share with us how Germany got so far ahead that it created 1 million jobs in the last 5 years doing this work. Other leading speakers will debate the issues and present exciting new evidence. Places are strictly limited so please do book now. Anne Power Professor of Social Policy LSE Housing and Communities London School of Economics Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE Tel: 44 (0) 207 955 6330 Email: