Joint European Commission and eceee seminar on Energy Efficiency Obligations - Brussels, Belgium

Affiliates & Partners

Fri 30 Sep 2011
Charlemagne Building, Mansholt Room, 170 Rue de la Loi, Brussels, Belgium

Aim and focus As part of the "Bucharest Forum" process, the European Commission’s DG Energy has contracted eceee to develop a briefing on energy service companies (ESCOs) and Energy Efficiency Obligations (EEO). As part of the task, eceee is organising a seminar on Energy Efficiency Obligations, to be held in Brussels. The aim of this technical seminar is to provide participants with an overview of key design features, functioning and results of existing (and planned) energy efficiency obligation schemes in Europe and globally. It is expected that the seminar will contribute to the discussions of the proposal for a new Energy Efficiency Directive by establishing a common understanding of this policy instrument. It is intended to provide a good picture of the – often quite different – ways in which schemes are designed. The seminar will give time to look into specific technical issues such as coverage of the systems and cost-recovery mechanisms. The seminar will be held in English without translation. Who should attend? The seminar is targeted at EU Member State representatives and national experts, Members of the European Parliament, stakeholders (such as trade associations, consumer organisations and NGOs), and other key experts. About the Bucharest Forum The Bucharest Energy Forum, co-organised by the Romanian Ministry for Economy and the Commission, was established to provide a platform for the exchange of information and to contribute to policy development on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources: To register Participation in the event is free of charge. Note: For security reasons pre-registration is mandatory. Please send an e-mail to and state your name, affiliation, birth date and ID or passport number. This information is essential for access to the Charlemagne Building and will be treated as confidential.