'Solar shading and Intelligent Facade', BRE Conference - Watford, England

Affiliates & Partners

Thu 29 Sep 2011 – Fri 30 Sep 2011
Watford, England
Classification: PUBLIC

The British Blind and Shutter Association (BBSA) and the Building Research Establishment (BRE) will be holding a full day conference aimed specifically at architects and building services engineers. The conference of a dozen expert speakers, including ES-SO, will detail the European requirements on solar control, how the UK interprets this and how shading can help in terms of ventilated facades, dynamic shading and Passivhaus concepts. To round off the conference the visual impact of solar shading is considered highlighting that blinds and shutters are an intelligent way of controlling heat and light gain. More info at: http://www.es-so.com/en/bre-and--bbsa-conference--29-september-2011.html?cmp_id=7&news_id=54&vID=38