Resident & Home Owner Engagement - Saving On Your Energy Bills - Kingston, England

Affiliates & Partners

Wed 29 Jun 2011 – Thu 30 Jun 2011
Kingston, England
Classification: PUBLIC

The Government is committed to reducing CO2 emissions by 80% by 2050. Homes contribute 27% of UK emissions and most will still be here in 2050. High and rising fuel bills, fuel poverty and energy security make energy efficiency a critical social and economic issue. Lack of communication with residents and a failure to understand energy performance is cited as a fundamental flaw in energy saving initiatives. Residents who understand their homes often save more money and energy than hi-tech solutions. Residents often tell us that their number one concern is the rising cost of energy. Local authorities and social housing providers have been asking how they can improve their communication with residents on energy saving. One way is through providing trained and knowledgeable staff. Some housing providers have also opened this training upto residents. This course can help your staff and your residents to understand and reduce their energy use, helping to combat fuel poverty and act on climate change. More information under: