iPHA Webinar "Passive House for Everyone: educating a new generation" with In Cho, ChoShields Studio - online


Wed 11 Oct 2023

"Passive House for Everyone: educating a new generation"
with In Cho, ChoShields Studio
NYC-based Passive House architect and educator, In Cho, while encompassing policy support, groundwork-building, and training within the Passive House AEC community, recognizes the critical need for a multifaceted approach to address the urgent environmental and social crises we face today.

True change emerges when knowledge isn't just a static repository but a catalyst for action.  Education should empower individuals to transform their thinking and become active agents of environmental and social change. In this context, transformative education is the linchpin that can reshape perceptions, spark innovation, and drive the widespread adoption of Energy Efficiency through Passive House.

To catalyze transformative education, In Cho leverages the creative arts to enrich the learning experience. By integrating art and creativity into the process of learning about Energy Efficiency via Passive House principles, she empowers individuals to think beyond the conventional and seek innovative solutions to the pressing challenges we face. This approach not only strengthens their imagination but also sharpens critical thinking skills and lifelong learning, crucial for tackling our current environmental and social crises. 

This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and is worth 2 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit points.

There is one webinar session available:

Session 1: 6pm Frankfurt | 5pm London | 12pm New York | 9am San Francisco

Since the speaker In Cho is located in New York, USA, there will only be one live session. To accommodate those who cannot join because of the time difference, we grant the CEPH points for watching the recording. Please register even if you cannot attend the live session so you will automatically receive a link to the recording.

MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION HERE: https://passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=564