iPHA Webinar "Project Spotlight: The world's biggest Passive House Premium - Erne Campus" with Barry McCarron, Passive House Association of Ireland - online


Wed 6 Sep 2023

"Project Spotlight: The world's biggest Passive House Premium - Erne Campus"
with Barry McCarron, Passive House Association of Ireland
The Erne Campus has broken a glass ceiling for public buildings in Northern Ireland. Since the completion of the building, there is now ~250 million worth of public buildings within Northern Ireland that are planned to be Passive House certified. Barry McCarron will give an overview of the Erne campus with respect to its metrics against the five Passive House principles. He will also include post-occupancy data to date and outline how the building being Passive House has been of benefit to the college and how it has helped forge new relationships and realised opportunities at a global level.

This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and is worth 2 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit points.

There is one webinar session available:

Session 1: 6pm Frankfurt | 5pm London | 12pm New York | 9am San Francisco

MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION HERE: https://passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=564