iPHA Webinar "Building design for the renewable energy future: Primary Energy Renewable" by Jessica Grove-Smith, Passive House Institute - online


Wed 1 Dec 2021 – Thu 2 Dec 2021

"Building design for the renewable energy future: Primary Energy Renewable"

with Jessica Grove-Smith, Passive House Institute

The way we design buildings plays a significant role in enabling the transition to a sustainable all-renewable energy supply. Approaches of "net-", "zero-" or "plus-" energy don't cover the full picture. In this webinar, Jessica Grove-Smith will explain PHI's concept of Primary Energy Renewable (PER) and how this approach is a unique indicator that truly depicts the energy needs of buildings in a sustainable renewable energy supply.


This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and is worth 2 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit point. 

There are two webinar sessions available:

Session 1: 9am  Frankfurt / 8am London / 3am New York / 7pm Sydney
Session 2: 6pm Frankfurt / 5pm London / noon New York / 4am Sydney

MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION HERE: https://passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=564