iPHA Webinar "Project spotlight: SINFONIA - Experiences in large-scale retrofits in Innsbruck, Austria" by Laszlo Lepp, Passive House Institute | Passivhaus Austria - online


Wed 3 Nov 2021

"Project spotlight: SINFONIA - Experiences in large-scale retrofits in Innsbruck, Austria"

by Laszlo Lepp, Passive House Institute | Passivhaus Austria

The SINFONIA project was initiated in 2014 to implement large-scale, integrated, and scalable energy solutions in mid-sized European cities over a six-year period. The heart of this initiative was the cooperation between two pioneering cities – Bolzano, Italy and Innsbruck, Austria – to achieve 40-50% primary energy savings and increase the share of renewables by 20%. To reach these ambitious energy savings goals an integrated set of steps was used: the retrofitting of more than 100,000 square meters of residential and school buildings, optimization of the electricity grid, and implementing sustainable solutions for district heating and cooling by increasing the share of renewable energy.

This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 90 minutes and is worth 2 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit point. 

There is a webinar sessions available:

Session 1: 6:00 PM Frankfurt / 5:00 PM London / 12:00 PM New York / 2:00 AM Sydney

MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION HERE: https://passivehouse-international.org/index.php?page_id=564