24th International Passive House Conference, Week 2 - online


Wed 30 Sep 2020 – Fri 2 Oct 2020

Wed­nes­day, 30/09/2020 

9.00 am - 11.30 am CEST |  Halftime plenary  
5.00 pm - 7.30 pm CEST |Ses­si­on 7: Pas­si­ve Hou­se Re­tro­fits  and Ses­si­on 8: Pas­si­ve Hou­se So­lu­ti­ons  
Thursday, 01/10/2020 

9.00 am -  11.30 am CEST |  Ses­si­on 9: Pas­siv­e House Training and Education and Ses­si­on 10: Sum­mer com­fort and re­si­li­en­ce 
5.00 pm - 7.30 pm CEST | Ses­si­on 11: Tall Pas­si­ve Hou­se Buil­dings  and EX­TRA: Build­ing tours - Ses­sion 1 - Vi­deo Edi­ti­on!  

For more information regarding the conference and the programme visit: https://passivhaustagung.de/en/programme/