iPHA Webinar, "Passive House Certification: How and Why" with Corinna Geiger, PHI - online


Wed 15 Jul 2020 – Thu 16 Jul 2020

Passive House Certification: How and Why

Corinna Geiger, head of building certification at the Passive House Institute, will present a webinar on the important topic of “Passive House Certification: How and Why”. You can choose between two webinar sessions on the 15th of July, one at 9AM CEST and another one at 6PM CEST 

Passive House building certification provides quality assurance on an international level, and ensures that a certified building will perform as expected. Certification also provides multiple benefits for all stakeholders involved and can be coupled with other green building certification systems.

The webinar will cover a range of topics on why the Passive House certification system is important for both designers and building owners. Corinna will give further details on how Passive House building certification works and introduce tools and strategies to make the certification process a success.

This iPHA member webinar will last approximately 60 minutes and is worth 1 Passive House Continuous Education (CEPH) credit point.

Event ID: V185_2020_DE

The iPHA webinar series is a member benefit and free for all members.

NEW: Non-members can access the webinars for 30 EUR.

Not a member yet? Sign up here and become a member and take advantage of the many benefits iPHA provides.  

For information and registration: https://tickets.passivehouse.com/PHI/phcert/