iPHA Community Meet Up, "Design Journey to PH Premium - A Client's perspective" with Jonathan Holmes, PHINZ - online


Mon 13 Jul 2020

Title: "Design Journey to PH Premium - A Client's Perspective"
Presenter: Jonathan Holmes, PHINZ
Time: 9pm CEST
ID Number: V186_2020_DE   
1 PHI Credit Point

This presentation will discuss the client journey planning, designing and building the first Passive House Premium home in New Zealand. Along the way, the client discovers what being an architect entails, becomes a Passive House Consultant and moves into their new home. This talk is opportunity to learn about the design/build process from the client's perspective with all the highs and lows, what went well and what they learnt for the next Passive House Project.

Find out more about the project at our iPHA community meet up!

Register and take part to the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ipha-community-meet-up-design-journey-to-ph-premium-a-clients-perspect-tickets-111938791940?aff=ebdssbonlinesearch