INTERNATIONAL MASTERCLASS Passivhaus Comparisons: UK - Europe


Tue 1 Sep 2015 11:30 – 18:00
London South Bank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA, United Kingdom

The International Masterclass will examine and explore the UK’s approach to large scale, complex developments with common practice in other European countries. How does the UK Passivhaus scene fair when compared to its European neighbours, and what can we learn from those comparisons? Limited to around 20 participants the event will be delivered from leading Passivhaus practitioners: Peter Warm of WARM: Low Energy Building Practice and Bram De Bruycker of Princedale. The training will focus on comparing large residential Passivhaus schemes and non-domestic projects. This is a chance to learn from European experience of delivering Passivhaus at larger regional scales. It also offers a unique experience to challenge whether those techniques can be transferred or manipulated to work in the UK. Exact date tbc