7. Passivhus Norden - Copenhagen, Denmark


Thu 20 Aug 2015 – Sat 22 Aug 2015
Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, 2300 København S, Denmark

7PHN. Sustainable Cities and Buildings Knowledge, examples, solutions, discussions KADK, DTU Civil Engineering and Passivhus.dk bring together people across industries and platforms for a two-day North European conference and exhibition in Copenhagen 20-21 August 2015. The agenda is energy efficient and in a wider sense sustainable building and planning/boundary conditions: - Architectural quality and sustainability in 100 years: Which buildings will we keep - and how to we know? - Measurements, observations and experiences from realised energy improvements and new, energy efficient buildings. - How does indoor climate in schools influence learning and costs? - How can the building owner receive the expected quality? - Overview of certification schemes for sustainable building http://passivhus.dk/ Join meeting: 7th-passivhus (talk.google.com)