2nd Passivhaus Portugal Conference 2014


Sat 29 Nov 2014 – Sun 30 Nov 2014
Aveiro - Cultural and Congress Centre

The 2nd Passivhaus Portugal Conference 2014, in Aveiro, Portugal. This conference is organized by the Passivhaus Portugal Association and by Homegrid. Cost: (includes lunch and coffee breaks) 40€ for members of PHPT 50€ for members of OA and OE 70€ for normal registration Information: www.passivhaus.pt registration: passivhausportugal@gmail.com RECEPTION: 09:30 - 10:00 BLOCK 1: 10:00 - 11:10 OPENING Mayor of Aveiro Municipality Secretary of State of Energy Order of Architects Quercus Passive Houses in the region of Aveiro João Gavião, Homegrid Passive Houses in the region of Douro Miguel Guedes, Miguel Guedes Arquitectos INTERVAL: 11:10 BLOCK 2: 11:40 - 13:00 PASSIVE HOUSE MUNICIPALITIES Municípios Passive House Municipalities João Marcelino, Portugal Passivhaus Association The Strategy of Sustainable Habitat Cluster Victor Ferreira, Susttainable Habitat Cluster Passive House and sustainable communities. Perspective of the certification system LiderA Manuel Duarte Pinheiro, LiderA O primeiro Município Passive House Câmara Municipal de Águeda LUNCH: 13:00 BLOCK 3: 14:00 - 16:00 INTERNATIONAL Comfort advantage of Passive House hotels and step-by-step EnerPHits Susanne Theumer, Passivhaus Institut National and international activities of the Spanish Passive House Platform (PEP) - European projects and built examples Anne Vogt, Vocal of international relations of PEP From few to many: how to change the present Francesco Nesi, Zero Energy and Passivhaus Institute for Research (ZEPHIR) How can a Passive House become Energy independent and gain even more Quality of Life Jürgen Kleinwächter, Tamera, SunOrbit INTERVALO: 16:00 BLOCK 4: 16:30 - 18:00 PASSIVE HOUSE SOLUTIONS The importance of Transparent and Opaque Envelope in a Passive House Carlos Reis, Saint-Gobain Isover Ibérica e Carlos Bigode, Saint-Gobain (Glass) Passive windows and doors Artur Mexia, Sapa Building System Thermal and acoustic brick Preceram: advantages and practical cases Ávila e Sousa, Preceram ITeCons, a partner for innovation Nuno Simões, ITeCons Passive House with Cross Laminated Timber - CLT (KLH) Emanuel Lopes, Tisem Closing