TUTORIAL: designPH, PHPP sketch-up plug-in


Mon 16 Jun 2014 – Tue 17 Jun 2014
Saint Gobain Innovation Centre, 95 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NY

DesignPH is a sketch-up plug-in that has been developed by the Passivhaus Institute to provide a 3D modelling interface that works together with PHPP(Passive House Planning Package). This tutorial, limited to around 20 participants and led by Dave Edwards, author of DesignPH software, will demonstrate the 3D plugin for PHPP. Participants will be shown how to upload projects as well as adjust and update detailed designs. Further information: http://us7.campaign-archive2.com/?u=84148534a5bebf48ac013a162&id=094c7808de&e=8b38698470