Masterclass: Passivhaus Retrofit, Glasgow, UK


Thu 1 May 2014
Royal College Room 215, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK

Passivhaus has a specific standard for retrofit projects – EnerPHit – which supports the achievement of Passivhaus within the restrictions of an existing building form. However, this is still a difficult standard to achieve and doing so requires a detailed understanding of a building physics, particularly in terms of moisture and thermal bridging, as well needing specific solutions for difficult areas such as window reveals and floor/ wall junctions. This workshop, limited to around 30 participants and led by Bob Prewett of Prewett Bizley Architects and Mark Elton of Sustainable by Design, two of the UK’s foremost experts on Passivhaus retrofit projects, focuses on what to look out for when designing, specifying, building and commissioning EnerPHit projects. The session will include examination of several practical projects and discussion of practical design applications and will primarily focus on residential projects, although many of the lessons are transferable to a non-domestic building. For further information please visit: