Convention ReBuild 2013 in Riva del Garda (TN)


Mon 25 Nov 2013 1:00 – Wed 27 Nov 2013 1:00
Riva del Garda Fiere e Congressi - Parco Lido, 38066, Riva del Garda (TN) - Italy

Tuesday, November 26, 2013 in Riva del Garda (TN), Francesco Nesi, president of ZEPHIR, will participate as a speaker at the second edition of the important convention Rebuild titled "REBUILDING THE COUNTRY. ONE BUILDING AT A TIME", focused on rehabilitation and the sustainable management of real estate assets. Within the vast program ( of the Convention Rebuild that will be held on Tuesday, November 26 and Wednesday, November 27, 2013 in Riva del Garda (TN), Dr. Francesco Nesi will give a talk in the debate titled "THE MAIN CERTIFICATION STANDARDS FOR REDEVELOPMENT" which will be attended by representatives of the main volunteer certification protocols in energy and environmental design worldwide. In relation to the specific topic of the convention, Dr. Francesco Nesi will speak about the Passivhaus standard with particular reference to the EnerPHit standard for renovations. Below the abstract and the speakers who will participate in the debate as reported on the program of the Convention Rebuild are presented: S5MAJOR CERTIFICATION STANDARDS FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT Requalification processes increasingly require third-party certifications capable of enhancing and measuring the quality, sustainability and the value brought in the intervention so as to become specific matter of negotiation between tenant and owner. On the market are emerging various voluntary schemes to measure the sustainability of redevelopment: which are the main ones? What are their characteristics? An open dialogue to better understand, to choose and to make clever use of these protocols as well as guidelines for the design and construction. Speakers: BREEAM Refurbishment - Phil Buttery (BRE), KlimaHouse R - Ulrich Klammsteiner ( KlimaHaus Agency ) , DGNB Schemes - Consolata Russelli (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Bauen Nachhaltiges ) , EnerPHit - Francesco Nesi ( ZEPHIR ) , LEED New Construction & Major Renovation - Francis Cattaneo ( Habitech ), Living Bulding Challenge - Steven Borncamp ( - EU GBC). For more information about the ReBuild convention see its website: